December 5, 2011

Dear Families,

I spent the weekend doing a lot of holiday “stuff” - I got the tree up, the kids and I did some shopping downtown and I have to say – I love this time of year! I think that although it can be hectic – it generally brings out the best in us. I hope you are finding some quality time with family and friends as well. Here’s a few odds and ends this week:

Neighborhood Project-

The kids really went to “town” last week (I couldn’t resist) creating a mural that represents our neighborhood. We also created some fictitious families to live there. Thanks to all of you who sent in boxes – they were put to good use. I will put a picture of our neighborhood on the website today.

Roots of Empathy –

Our visit with Baby Mary was a bit different last week. We were honored to have not only Mary and her Mom but the founder of ROE , Mary Gordon, with us as well. Because of her visit we had a News team from the Seattle Channel here as well. As soon as I know when the piece is airing I will let you know. I also got to hear Ms. Gordon speak at the town hall meeting last

week and I saw some of you there. Again, we are so fortunate to be able to do this in our classroom this year.


A couple of things – I am looking for white business cards that you may not need anymore and are in good shape. I can’t tell you why because it’s a holiday secret. I know I have an old box somewhere – if you do could you please donate them to our classroom. Also, Snack – we are running low.


Our baby corn snake will need a home for the 2 week winter break. He is really very low maintenance – all he needs is a warm room and someone to feed him once a week. And trust me; all of you have a snake expert living in your house.  Please let me know if you are interested – we would all so appreciate your help with this.

Finally, we have a new student in our classroom -Aiden Patterson and his family moved here from Virginia. Welcome Aiden and his mom and dad, Heather and Rodney. Have a great week everybody!
